Association between a history of TBI and cognitive decline in subjects with
autopsy confirmed AD
   Lead Investigator:    Michael Alosco
   Institution      :    Boston ADC
   E-Mail           :
   Proposal ID      :    993

Publications: 1 Sugarman MA, McKee AC, Stein TD, Tripodis Y, Besser LM , Martin B, Palmisano JN, Steinberg EG, O'Connor MK, Au R, McClean M, Killiany R, Mez J, Weiner MW, Kowall NW, Stern RA, Alosco ML Failure to detect an association between self-reported traumatic brain injury and Alzheimer's disease neuropathology and dementia Journal Article Alzheimers Dement,5:686-698,2019,PMC6511462

Proposal Description: